GEG Ramp Lead Mark Porter
G2 Secure Staff would like to recognize Spokane International Airport (GEG) Ramp Lead Mark Porter. Mark is our Safety Committee Chairman, a Ramp Lead and Ramp/Deice Trainer here in GEG. Mark and his fellow GEG team members are extremely passionate about the importance of ensuring the ramp areas are clear of F.O.D. As many visitors have commented over the years when they come to Spokane on how clean the ramp is with very little or no FOD on it at all.
A little over 6 years ago when Mark would do his F.O.D. walks and pit sweeps he noticed these zipper tabs that had fallen off of luggage and was laying around as F.O.D. on the ramp and in the bins. Instead of throwing the zipper tabs away Mark started saving them putting them in a jar. As this continued over the months and years this caught on and the other team members in GEG would help him and anyone that finds a zipper tab as F.O.D they pick it up and put it on a hook on Marks locker and he takes them and continues to put them in the jar(s). Over the years these zipper tabs started to add up to thousands and thousands in number.
The below picture is what Mark’s current F.O.D. zipper tab collection is. Mark has indicated that it might not seem like much F.O.D over a short period of time but over time this really adds up. Mark has also said that even if he has saved one engine over all this time by picking these up then all his work has been worth the effort.
Thank you Mark and all of your team members for your dedication and commitment to safety in GEG.